Lydian 750 B.C. to 547 B.C.*

Era: Biblical   Lydian 750 B.C. to 547 B.C.* CR: H: 4 L: 3   BP: 2 Init: 4
Number Type   Description Key FV PROT Weapon Cost
2 HC Lydian X 4(0)0 +1 Various 10
1 LC Lydians   2(0)0 +1 Javelins 7
2 FT Lydian X 5(1)1 +1 Spears 6
1 PH Spartan or Greeks X 7(1)1 +2 Spears 12
1 FT Egyptians X 5(1)1 +1 Various 6
1 SI     2(1)1 +2 Bows 2
1 SI     3(1)2 +2 Javelins 2
2 HC Lydian** X 5(0)0 +1 Various 11
2 LC Lydians   2(0)0 +1 Javelins 7
4 FT Lydian X 5(1)1 +1 Spears 6
1 PH Spartans or Greeks X 7(1)1 +2 Spears 12
1 PH Ionian Greeks X 7(1)1 +2 Spears 12
2 FT Egyptians X 5(1)1 +1 Various 6
2 LI Polyglot   4(1)2 +1 Javelins 7
1 SI     2(1)1 +2 Bows 2
3 SI     3(1)2 +2 Javelins 2


Core: 1 GR

Bonus: (Max: 2 ) 2 GR, 1 SH


Core: 94 Bonus: 120

*May be used in Antiquity for armies with contemporaneous or overlapping dates.

**The Lydian HC were so feared or respected by the Persians that the Persians are reported in one source to have dismounted to fight them and used a camel barricade in an attempt to dissuade the Lydian heavy cavalry from charging home. Under the circumstances, an FV of 5 seems appropriate. However, for those who eschew such logic or such an FV for heavy cavalry in this period, up to two (2) Bonus Lydian HC with an FV of 4(0)0 may be substituted for the Bonus Lydian HC with an FV of 5(0)0. One may use both types in the same army so long as the total bonus HC does not exceed 2.

The total number of Spartan, Greek, and Egyptian heavy infantry may not outnumber the total number of Lydian heavy infantry.

I understand that Herodotos of Hallikarnasos asserts that the Egyptians were summoned to fight Cyrus but never arrived. Xenophon, however, claims that the Egyptians were present at Sardis. Although a great deal of Xenophon's work is fictional with interpolations of practices from his day or of his theories, many accept the reference to Egyptians as being historical. Xenophon had a copy of Herodotus at hand when writing parts of the Cyropaedia.

This army can fight in both the Biblical and Antiquity eras.

Ordo Link: Lydian

Last Edited: 05 May 2005

List Author: Subodai